Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Weight Battle

     Being overweight has been a issue for me most of my life.  After high school I started slimming down and thought I looked ok.  When Craig and I were engaged that was my "skinny" days.  After I had my children as they were growing, I was growing too (in weight).  I tried to stay active by playing with the kids, taking them to the park, riding bikes, going on walks but I still seem to be "growing".  I have tried to alot of weight loss programs, medicines, tricks, and diets but nothing seemed to last any length of time.  I would lose weight only to gain it back and then some. 
     I didn't realize how big I was getting until we went on vacation.  Craig was deployed in California and the kids and I went to spend some time with him. We had plans to visit zoos, museums, and parks. While on the plane ride out there I injuried my knee.  We still went everywhere we planned to its just I was slow at walking because of a injuried knee.  One day at the San Diego Zoo we were walking around and I found myself several feet behind the rest of my family.  Then I thought this is embarrassing for not only me but for my family too.  I can't even keep up with them.  My family has always been positive and never negative about my weight. So, when I returned home and after knee surgery my weight loss journey began.
     After 6 months I lost 30 lbs and thought to myself why haven't I done this sooner.  The key this time was that I was determined and dedicated along with I stopped drinking sodas and going out to eat.  After the first 6 months it was a roller coaster ride for me not only with my weight but my confidence also.  Over the next year I tried counting calories, carbs, fat grams, you name it I probably counted it.  Tried weight watchers, slim fast, different medicines, remedies and other programs.  I even join a weight loss center, which I never went too, and I joined a gym, which I quit after a few months.  Purchased a lot of workout videos, weight machine, and treadmill in which I seen some results but something was still missing.  During my second year of weight lose I started walking, tried the Insanity and P90X program, seen good results but still missing something.  For the past 7 months I have been working with a trainer.  Not only am I working out, but I am also learning that nutrition is the key of weight lose.  I can have all the weight programs, videos, medicines I want but if my eating habits haven't changed I will not see the results that I want.  Is it hard?  YES! Is it worth it? YES!   I haven't mastered the whole weight lose thing or nutrition but I'm learning and working hard.  
     The first picture was taken a couple of years ago, the middle last summer a week before I started training and the last one is recent.  When I first looked at the pictures I thought "Holy Cow I was fat".  I'm still big but I'm proud of myself at where I am today.  Over the past 3 years I have lost 62 pounds and a lot of inches.  Surprisingly, I enjoy working out whether its in a gym or at home.  I still have a ways to go but I know I will get there and I will have learned along the way on how to stay where I want to be.   

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mission Trip

Well a couple more days and Craig leaves for Guatemala.  Then on Sunday, Nick and I leave for Atchison, Kansas.  Ashley her mission field is Paragould Prideline.  My family and I are blessed to be able to serve an "Amazing God".  6 years ago if you would have told me I would be going on mission trips and prayer walking and sharing the gospel I would have laughed at you.  Now, I'm looking forward to be able to participate in a mission trip.  I'm glad that I have a family that sees the vision in reaching other folks for the Kingdom.  I'm proud to be able to serve next to them. 

Craig visited Guatemala last year this time and had an exciting, eye opening experience.  Guatemala was his first mission trip.  He is looking forward to going back and seeing people he seen last year and ready to meet new people.  His favorite place to go last year was the orphanage.  He feel in love with a 7 year old little girl name Pat.  He is hoping they are able to go back and visit the orphanage. 

Nick and I leave Sunday for Atchison, Kansas one of the most haunted cities in the US.  Does it scare me?  I'm not gonna lie yes and no.  I don't really believe in ghosts but I do believe in demons.  The scary part is wondering what kind of obstacles are going to be waiting for us.  Then the other part of me is that I have a great defender on my side and He will protect me and others for what lies ahead for us.  The best part of this trip is working next to my child.  To see my children not ashamed or afraid makes me proud.  To see them jump in and ready to share the gospel is amazing to me. 

Ashley don't get to go on a mission trip out of town or country but she still has mission work ahead of her.  Packy has told the students before that their mission field is their schools.  That is so true.  I believe it will be harder for Ashley because her work is with her peers.  She has to be with them everyday where if you go away on a mission trip you probably will not see them again.  My kids have been made fun of for who they are (Christians), but that don't stop them from sharing the gospel.

" Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matt. 28:19-20


WOW!  It's been a while since I have blogged.  Where has the time gone.  Summer has been good so far.  The kids are staying some what busy, Craig and I are busy working.  Ashley had her first job for the month of June and loved every minute of it.  She was able to do what she likes to do and that is watch kids plus she earned money.  She learned a great lesson on how much things she wants really cost and if she really wanted it or needed it.  Nick on the other hand could not find a job so he had to stick to working for mom.  The only thing he learned was when do I get paid and can we go to the mall. 

July has started and both my kiddos will be busy either with band or football.  I enjoy watching my children participate and work hard in something they love to do. They are both tired of me repeating "Stay hydrated" but as a mom I can't help myself.  I worry about both of them in this hot weather practicing outside.  On the plus side of things this is a great lesson for both of my children, you have to work hard to be good at somethings.  So with Ashley in band and Nick playing football, my fall will be pretty much at the school.  Ashley will be practicing every day and competiting on Saturdays.  Nick we know he will be playing on Friday nights and maybe on Mondays.  So, come December I will be ready for a vacation.  I complain about having to run around every where but you know I thank God that I am able too and thank Him for wonderful children.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Younger Siblings

So, my children have been in school for 2 days now.  So far, so good.  Ashley has complained about a couple of her teachers that Nick had and how they hate her already.  Nick was known in the two classes as forgetting to do homework.  That surprises me. Ashley said when they called roll and came to her name they asked if she was related to Nick.  She said yes and then the teacher proceeded to roll their eyes.  Not a good sign.  What they don't know Nick will be an angel compared to Ashley.  Ha Ha!  I say that and laugh because Nick might have forgotten his homework, but Ashley she will have a debate with them about homework.  Ashley told Nick she hated being the younger one because he messes up in school and later on she pays the price for it.  She also told him he better not misbehave this year.  I was the oldest child so I don't know how she feels. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day of School

Well, my wonderful kids are off to school today.  They were both excited but nervous.  I sit here and think about when my children were younger and I would be nervous.  Wondering if they would know where to go once they were inside the school.  Would they know what bus to get onto.  Now I find myself worrying about other things such as, will they make the right choices or will they say no to peer pressure, will they continue their way with Christ or will they try the worldy ways.  As much as I talk to my children and tell them right from wrong are they strong enough to make a stand or will they fall into the worldly ways as I did as a teenager.  I am so glad that Craig and I sit down with our children and talk to them one on one about things that might be bothering them or things they might be tempted by.  Parents let me tell you if you don't talk to your children now is the time.  Craig and I have found out so much about our children and the stuff that goes on at school and things that have been offered to them.  Craig and I do family devotions with our children.  Its hard to stay on track but now that our children are older its important and our jobs to make sure our children know the Word.  Parenting is a hard job and I am sure it doesn't get any easier as they get older.  My prayer for my children is to continue to grow in Christ and even when we are not able to be around them and protect them they know that God is.  I pray they grow up being a Godly man and woman who will not be afraid to make a stand for what they believe in.  I pray that my children stay in God's word and able to continue to make a difference in our community. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Children's Camp

I just got back from children's camp.  What a great and exhausting time I had. We had 436 people this year at camp.  Even though the weather was a scorcher, and we were crowded it was a great week.   I enjoy and am grateful that I can participate in such a great ministry opportunity.  When I go my prayer is that God uses we in a mighty way. This year I had opportunities to talk to a few people.  I am thankful that God can use me.  When I get back from either a mission trip or children's camp I understand more about why it is so important to share the Gospel.  I appreciate my life more, things I have, my family, and most important my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  I realize how important it is to share the Gospel.  We (believers) are not just to go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, we are suppose to be involved.  Our jobs is to spread the Gospel to all nations.  That includes Paragould, Greene County, and Arkansas.  Too many times people put their fears first, if you are doing the work for the Lord, He will give you the words, courage and strength.  Don't let your fears stop you from doing what we as Christians are suppose to be doing. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mission Trips

I love going on mission trips and seeing how God works in the teenagers lives and mine.  Last week I was blessed to go to Indianapolis on a mission trip with teenagers from East Side.  The last few years that I have been able to go I have been blessed personnally. To watch teens grow in Christ and step out of their comfort zone is amazing to see.  To watch them be eager to share the Gospel with a stranger and not worry about what people will say is amazing to see.  Each year I am still amazed by the lessons that I am taught, and the experiences I experience.  After being away from normal life and focused on God for a week I always come back feeling spiritually lifted and ready to make a difference.  Then I get home and life is back to normal and then I find it harder to stay focused, and Satan is trying to tear me down. This year is different from the past couple of years I am determined to stay focused and not let Satan bring me down.